Sunday, September 19, 2010

Contend For The Faith #3

"...earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered unto the saints..." (Jude 3)

Notice that the emphasis is not on the contention but on the faith. We are not to be bullies or become obnoxious. The Gospel offends without our help. Those under conviction are often offended by the content of God's Word, for it convicts the soul of its sin. We must remember that in all things we are to contend with the loving kindness of God. It is the Gospel message which should be contentious, not the Gospel messenger. We deliver a message rooted on the unshakable foundations of God the Father and Jesus Christ the Son, through the power of the Holy Spirit. As ambassadors of this message, we need not be offending. (Copied)

The Greek word for “contend” gives us a deeper insight into the intensity of the battle. The root of the word is agon, from which we get our word agony. It has to do with a struggle, a trial, or the action of a battle. In fact, the word originally meant, “a stadium,” which served as a place of contest. Contending for the faith is like playing in a spiritual Superbowl all of our Christian lives. It’s like being in the seventh game of the World Series every day. It demands determination, sacrifice, and endurance". (Copied)

We need to be like the Bereans...who searched the Word daily to see if those things were true. Acts 17:11

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