Friday, January 14, 2011

Decent into Chaos #29

Following the assassination of a governor in Pakistan last week, some people hoped the shooting would galvanize opposition to religious extremists. The governor had been killed for opposing a blasphemy law, under which a Christian woman was sentenced to death. The murderer was quoted as saying  "I stand by the blasphemy law. I'm a slave of the Prophet Mohammed and I will do whatever he says". Most people would agree that the murder was wrong and the murderer should be convicted for his crime. Instead, the assassin has been turned into something of a national hero. For more on this story click the following link: Religious Murder.

My purpose for referencing this story is to illustrate a point. The murder committed by Malik Mumtaz is no different than the murder(s) committed by John Calvin. Both men had religious beliefs which justified their killing of a human being. My point is most Calvinists would claim that Mumtaz was wrong and should be put on trial for the murder he committed. Yet, when it comes to John Calvin, his followers are quick to defend him, and in some cases, even to justify his actions.  Instead of dismissing Calvin as some religious extremist, followers have made John Calvin into a hero, and even go so far as to call themselves "Calvinists".  I'm sorry, I just don't get it...

For more on John Calvin, Please read Blog's #8, #13 & #20 (September 2010).

"To kill a man is not to defend doctrine... It is to kill a man "
~ Castillio ~


  1. Violence is an admission that ones ideas and goals can not prevail on its own merits.

    John Calvin has destroys the name of Christ by his violence and hatred masqueraded as Christian love.

    He does not believe that does not live according to his belief.

    The Institutes of Christian Religion was given for information, the Bible was given for transformation.

    Scripture has been, and can be the most dangerous weapon in the world unless it is carefully read and understood in full context.

    Men such as John Calvin will debate their religion, fight for it, kill for it, die for it, and do anything except live for it.

  2. There is no way to defend Calvin's conduct with scripture. Yes, he was loving and caring toward those who agreed with him. Yes, he expended himself and shortened his life through visiting the sick, caring for the flock and preaching continually. But in his treatment of those who disagreed with him he was anything but Christian.

    Is not Christ the standard for His followers? And is He not always the same, unchanged by time or culture? How can the crusades be condemned (and rightly so) for all the evil and killing that was done under the banner of the Cross while excusing Calvin for doing much of the same, though on a smaller scale? Calvin's conduct day after day, year after year was the very antithesis of Christianity and those who are truly led by the Spirit of God. We can not escape drawing this conclusion from God's Word.


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