Monday, September 20, 2010

What Love is This? #16

Imagine that there is a ten story building on fire. . .The fire department is called and the fire chief gives his men the following orders. "I want you to save only the people on the even numbered floors, and anyone who is on the odd numbered floors do not save". The fire chief has enough resources to save everyone in the building, but for some unknown reason he decides that only those on the even # floors are to be saved. (He could have just as easily decided to save those on the odd # floors and let those on the even # floors perish).
As strange as the above story sounds, this is exactly how the "maze" of Calvinism works. In the world of Calvinism, God is the like the fire chief, who makes the arbitrary decision to save - or not save - the people in the building on an unconditional basis. There is no difference between the people on the even # floors or the odd # floors; thus, the orders are given and only those on the even # floors are saved from the fire, while those on the odd # floors perish in the flames.
Regarding the people who live on the even # floors. They have no choice in the matter. They have to accept the offer to be saved from the flames. The only thing that matters is the fact that they lived on an even # floor; whereas, those living on an odd # floor are never given the opportunity to be saved. The fire chief's decision to save only certain people, is also a decision to dam the others.
In the real world, if the above scenario actually happened, the fire chief would be fired and likely be charged with murder. Yet, Calvinists want us to believe that God works in the manner described in the story above. Even more insulting, is the point that Calvinists want us to believe that the actions (and inactions) of the fire chief is called "an act of love". What kind of love is this?
The god of Calvinism is an arbitrary autocrat who arranged the fall of human beings and then sends some of them to eternal punishment for being and doing precisely what He predestined them to be and do. ..beings whose sole purpose for existence is as Calvin put it "to glorify God by their destruction". The good news is that the god of Calvinism does not exist. The bad news, or sad news, is that so many people (Calvinists) believe in and worship this god.

1 comment:

  1. FCA Carolina wrote: Nov 8, 2009 Reply[this is good]The God of Calvinism is a far cry from the God of the Bible...Why can't they see it? We need to pray that their heart may be open to God's truth.


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